Hey Lovelies
Style blogger Melody Jacobs, some people may call her style outlandish, I would prefer to use the word spirited. Melody Jacobs is a style blogger, whose sense of style borders on what makes her comfortable and happy, she is one of the few people that don’t conform to trends rather they conform to creativity and art.
Her oddity is the bases for confidence, because there are quite a lot of other ladies that feel they want to express them self through their clothes but they can’t. I’ve always been on the defense when it comes to the argument that clothes don’t express one’s personality. The term dress the way you want people to see you was not conned out of lack of wisdom but careful cases, although it doesn’t ring through must of the time but its 70% true..
From her choice of outfits you can tell that melody is creative and eccentric in a good way of course but she switches it up a bit when she wants to try on other personalities which runs according to her mood, so don’t be surprised when you see a free spirited person dress very sensual, its all based on the mood.
From the pictures, you can agree with me that her style is fabulously unique and a breath of fresh air, its not everyday I want to be seen in a body con dress or short skirts, there are some days that I want to spread my wings and be creative, days I just want to thrown on a button down dress with major slit game and finish off with a pop socks and platform boots