Hey Lovelies
What does it mean to be a street style star? There is nothing out of the ordinary about being a street style star, only the hard work and creative minds of fashion bloggers and enthusiast brings it to life. Many have asked if being a street style star is as simple as being in the Right place at the right time but careful study have shown that, that’s not all it takes. Simple walking in front of the camera with a channel bag doesn’t make you a street style star, it takes much more than that.
When we stare at street style stars we wonder what their formula for slaying is; well we believe it all has to do with personality, an awesome attire, a gorgeous location and of cause a bomb photographer because what else makes a street style star than pictures. Now all of this may look or and sound overwhelming but sincerely it really isn’t. Think about it, you wake up, dress nice, find a good location and an amateur photography (all of this happens in the morning before work) and you take a picture for instagram. Many times the best street style looks are never stage but hey, that’s the reason why having an awesome photographer is everything.
As africans we are in love with the Ankara fabric and now that the Ankara style has become huge its only right that we celebrate it. As fashion enthusiast we can become street style stars by slaying in Ankara. Being a street style star isn’t hard, remember location pose and photograph, below are some Ankara styles that you can slay in;
Complete Suit
Flare Skirt
One thing I love about the Ankara fabric is the fact that you can be experimental with it, you can create fabulous and cute styles that would keep people awed.