
Psychological manipulation can be intentional or otherwise and the sole aim is to make the victim doubt their own sanity. There are signs t...


Psychological manipulation can be intentional or otherwise and the sole aim is to make the victim doubt their own sanity. There are signs that determines whether your partner is manipulating you or not and without further ado, here are the signs that shows your partner is manipulating you;
1. Always Apologizing
Manipulative partners apologize even if they did nothing wrong at all. They take full responsibility for anything that goes on between themselves and their partner, they are the ones that like to keep the peace so that their perceived unacceptable behavior is kept in check by themselves. As time goes on the manipulative partners turns this behavior into an habit which turns into a vicious circle itself.
2. Changing as a person
If you are an outgoing person with a bubbling personality but when you get into a relationship and notice that your personality changes gradually, then your partner is manipulating you. This happens little by little that you would never notice any difference and after some months or years, they start wondering what has happened to them and they are not the same person they once were. They have definitely lost their sparkle.
3. Decision making is impossible
This is one of the various ways by which manipulative people get hold of their partner. The partner will not be able to make decisions because of their need to keep the peace and the perpetrator is left to make all of the decisions which means all the power and control inevitably follows. We all have to take control of our life’s and not be swayed by someone else, other people can guide you or tell you how to paddle but it has to come from you.
4. Confusion reigns supreme
One of the ways to make a perpetrator remain ruler is to keep the oppressed confused, the options they give leaves the victims confused because in their minds there is only one choice and the option is suitable to the perpetrator. Though, sometimes our instinct tells us something is wrong but the perpetrator comes down hard and declare our instinct wrong which the victim will obey but feel uneasy about it and also has a hard time comprehending it all.
5. Withdrawal symptoms of a different kind
People starts asking questions regarding the victims absence and the victim with an immerse lack of self-esteem to boot, he/she does not understand what is going on themselves, thus rendering themselves unable to answer.